Sunday, April 14, 2013

Unbelievable - 36 weeks!

I can't believe that I've actually made it to 36 weeks today!  After all the scares and almost 15 weeks of bedrest restrictions, we are now in the clear to deliver.  I didn't have to get my progesterone shot this past thursday and yesterday was my last day of procardia.  I imagine that my contractions will probably pick up now that the meds have been d/c'd.  Little man could come any day now!  I ordered a few more things for him.  I've got to get the outfits together for the hospital - who knows how big this stinker is going to be!  Stephen seems to think he's going to be a big boy...

Nathan is feeling better and has been able to attend all his activities this week.  At swimming, they put lifevests on the kids and Nathan swam across the pool with only a few nudges from the teacher - I was so proud!  He has one more week of swim and then we'll take a break for 6 weeks.  I'd love to keep him in, but with the baby coming it may be difficult to get out for a few weeks, especially since I plan on breastfeeding/pumping.  He still has his Tumblebears class until the end of May - he really enjoys that.  I think these boys are going to keep me quite busy with sports/activities!

Stephen is now sick with a head cold.  I'm hoping he can kick it before the baby arrives.  It's been 3 days already.  The crappy weather here isn't helping a bit.  Today it is supposed to be sunny and 51 - which is the best it has been all week!  You'd think spring was never going to arrive here...

Job update:  I heard back from the outpatient clinic.  They have an immediate need, so are deciding to hire someone right away.  The owner told me to contact him in June when I'm ready and they will work something out because he really would like to have me on the team - although it may only be part time.  That may actually work if my current position would allow me to drop to part time.  I wasn't willing to drive to Standish for the new clinic anyway, so this may be perfect.  We'll see.  In the meantime, I received an email from the Department Chair at the university who told me about another position and "strongly encouraged" me to apply.  So I immediately applied for that position.  Maybe I'll get lucky and get my foot in the door there.  Sure would be better than having to drive to Flint for adjunct this summer.

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