Sunday, March 29, 2009

Change is coming

This week was quite busy...what's new? The house is pretty much prepped for sale, we signed the papers yesterday and the sign could appear in the yard as early as tomorrow!! Pretty exciting. I'm definitely ready to get into a bigger home that will allow me to invite friends over and entertain more.
The builder we were working with gave as an estimate that was way out of our reach - $355,000. I think he may have been smoking crack when he put that together... We couldn't ever sell that house for such a price, so why would we pay somebody that much to build it! We got the price down to $233,000 after we took out all of the labor - but what's the point? We can buy a great house right now for that price without having to do any work! So once we have a purchase agreement on this one - house hunting we will go :)

I only got in one run this week, behind again..ugh. My schedule should calm down a bit -but who knows what interruptions will come my way if we get people looking at the house during the week. I'll just do the best I can. As far as my weight, I'm holding steady at 178 now. The high fiber is killing my gut though - I'm going to have to slow it down a bit, either that or I'll stop taking the pro-biotic and see what happens then. I'm fine in the morning, but the afternoon kills me.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I checked my CC statement today and found out that I've made it into the Nike Women's marathon this fall in San Francisco! I am super excited and will have to begin my training for it in June. Hopefully my cousin Lesley will also make it in. My Mom will be heading out there with me, repeat of our 2000 trip :)

I'm running my first race of the year today, an 8k. I hope to beat last year's time, but haven't been training nearly as much. We'll see what happens.

Stephen has been busy buttoning up the house - he's been working hard at it and now it's my turn to get everything organized. I've been putting it off, but with the for sale sign going up in just a week and a half, I better get to it!! He's been on my case, calling me lazy, etc.... Not that I worked 6 days this week or anything.

On a sour note, there is squabble in the family. My Mom is being treated poorly and I don't like it one bit. I've had a talk with my brother and hopefully this thing will get resolved. Sometimes you just have to let things go...grudges can be brutal and destroy relationships. It's better to look at the bigger picture.

Monday, March 16, 2009

First outdoor run of the year

Today was a beautiful day for a run :) I did 4.9 miles on the rail trail after work today. It was a bit harder than the treadmill, my heartrate really got up there. I used my orthotics in my new Pearl Izumi's and they felt pretty good - no blisters. My left leg is still giving my some trouble though, my foot hurts and my knee will give me shooting pains occasionally. Being that my left leg has given me problems for years - I think I'm stuck with dealing with it.

I've managed to keep my weight under 180 since last thursday. I bought Fibersure at the suggestion of my sister-in-law and will be adding that to my morning coffee for an additional 5 grams of fiber. I've lost a few pounds since I've increased my fiber intake and hope to continue dropping. It's the only thing that's worked for me the past few months!!

Looking forward to the 8k this Sunday...hopefully I'll beat last years time :)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Broke through!!

Yesterday morning I finally weighed in at 178.6!! I had a doctor's appointment and even with my clothes on it was 179.4 :) I MUST stay below 180 now....

I ran 9 miles on Tuesday and did my yoga class Wednesday. Yesterday was a rest day. I plan on running 50 minutes today after work. I still would really like to complete the Martian half-marathon and will probably go ahead and register this weekend.

My plantar fasciitis has returned in my left foot - I'm going to have to suck it up and break in my orthotics despite the blisters.

Looking forward to a nice warm weekend. I'm celebrating my 2 nephews birthdays on Sunday and am really looking forward to seeing the family :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Busy Busy

I weighed in after my first week of "dieting" - although I did go out to eat twice, and am back down to 180.8. I'm increasing my fiber, taking FloraMore for extra bacteria to absorb all the fiber, and following some of the meal plans from my Runners World diet. Dinners are still a challenge, but I'm trying to control my portions.

On the other hand, my running activity has seriously fallen off the past few weeks. All of these house building appointments and the work we are doing at the house to get ready to sell are getting in the way. If the weather would warm up, it would make it a lot easier to get outside and run! I dread the treadmill anymore...

I plan on doing a 9 mile run today after work - maybe I'll run it while watching the biggest loser - should take me about that long!

Our house goes up for sale on April 1st.....I'm staying optimistic :)