Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Hanging in there!

It is now Tuesday - and I'm 34 weeks 2 days today :)  I made it through the weekend!  I have been  having more contractions that are feeling different, but not especially more intense.  I'm trying to be more conscious of timing them because my normal is anywhere from 4-10 min apart, so I've become more accustomed to ignoring them at this point.  My belly turns rock hard whenever I stand up, and I'm trying hard to stay off my feet, but I am  having a really hard time staying down constantly.  I did end up taking Nathan to daycare today because it is easier to have him there then at home with me all day.  I'll take him again on thursday if we make it that far.  My doctor appt is that morning, so I'll be interested to see if I've dilated anymore.  I had a dream last night that I was at 3-4cm and fully effaced.  Everytime I get up I wonder if my water is going to break....
I've been watching A Baby Story on TLC the past few days.  Some of these women look just like me when the labor starts - geez, I wish I knew what was going to happen!  It would be great if we could make it to another Sunday, then there will be less of a chance of going to the NICU.  I think it would be pretty possible to bring Nolan home at that point!!

My family came up on Sunday and we had a great Easter.  The kids had a lot of fun.  My Mom pretty much spent the day in the kitchen - I am so grateful that my family was able to prepare the entire meal for us :)  They even left the leftovers so we wouldn't have to cook for a few days!!  My Mom also helped me bring up most of the baby clothes and supplies that I will need right away and we got one of our dressers cleared out and rearranged with baby stuff.  Makes me feel a little more prepared.

I went online and ordered diapers and wipes, so we should be all set.  I also ordered some breastfeeding supplies since I'll have to start pumping for when I do finally return to work.

I have been able to sleep a little better the past 2 nights, which is such a relief.  I'm still getting up constantly to use the bathroom, but am able to fall asleep easier when returning to bed.  Nathan has been going to bed a little better the past few nights as well, which helps tremendously.  Although, he did get up again last night and his Daddy let me eat some chips, so it wasn't until after 9pm when he finally went down.  He did poop on the potty again last night too - hooray!

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