Sunday, April 28, 2013

38 weeks - where is my baby?

This morning marks 38 weeks.  I am in complete shock that I'm still pregnant...  At my last appt on thursday morning I was 3cm dilated and 90% effaced.  I fully expected to go into labor within the next 24 hours after that, especially considering it was a full moon.  Here I sit, 3 days later!  Last night contractions were 20-30 minutes apart all night long.  Right now, contractions are 9 minutes apart.  I am to call the doctor when they reach 5 min apart, or when my water breaks.  I've eaten spicy foods, done housework, walked around outside, etc.  all in an attempt to get things moving!  Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled that I've been able to carry this baby to term - but now am anxious and ready to hold the little guy and bring him home with me :)  This has been a really long journey.... I'm tired of sitting around the house and am growing more uncomfortable with each passing day.

Today is my brother's birthday and tomorrow is my husband's.  So if Nolan is born within the next 48 hours, he will share a birthday!  It wouldn't surprise me considering that Nathan shares his birthday with the date of my parent's anniversary.

In other news, I am still awaiting a date for my interview at the university.  What will stink is if they try to set it up for a date right after the baby is born.  I will be nursing, so it will be pretty hard to try to coordinate that when I won't have an overflow stash established for bottle feeding, and I was told that the interview would be an all day affair.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


I had a bout of really strong contractions on Tuesday night that lasted for about 5 hours.  They started around 6pm and lasted until shortly after 11pm.  I was timing them and they did get to about 3-4 minutes apart, but then subsided again and spaced further out.  I decided to go into the doctor office on Wednesday to get checked out.  I am now 2cm dilated and 75% effaced.  The doctor is predicting that I will go into true labor sometime next week.  I am just hoping to make it through the weekend because my doctor will not be on call.  I really want my own doctor to deliver this baby since I've been through so much with this pregnancy.  On top of that, she is very supportive about attempting a VBAC.

Stephen brought up the carseats and Pack n Play.  I've got everything cleaned up and ready to go.

My grandmother is in the hospital.  I've been saying prayers that she will be alright.  Seems that her confusion has gotten worse.  I'm hoping that it clears, otherwise it sounds to me like she may have dementia that is progressing.  I fear that my grandfather won't be able to take care of her, and he is being very stubborn about getting help at home. 

I may be interviewing for another position - it depends on when it can be scheduled.  Hopefully it will be before the baby because I'm not sure I'll be able to do it within the first few weeks that I'm home nursing.

I am definitely feeling ready for this baby to come.  Now all he has to do is decide to arrive and be healthy when he pops out!  Doctor said "mark my words, your labor will be about 4 hours"  That would be amazing!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Unbelievable - 36 weeks!

I can't believe that I've actually made it to 36 weeks today!  After all the scares and almost 15 weeks of bedrest restrictions, we are now in the clear to deliver.  I didn't have to get my progesterone shot this past thursday and yesterday was my last day of procardia.  I imagine that my contractions will probably pick up now that the meds have been d/c'd.  Little man could come any day now!  I ordered a few more things for him.  I've got to get the outfits together for the hospital - who knows how big this stinker is going to be!  Stephen seems to think he's going to be a big boy...

Nathan is feeling better and has been able to attend all his activities this week.  At swimming, they put lifevests on the kids and Nathan swam across the pool with only a few nudges from the teacher - I was so proud!  He has one more week of swim and then we'll take a break for 6 weeks.  I'd love to keep him in, but with the baby coming it may be difficult to get out for a few weeks, especially since I plan on breastfeeding/pumping.  He still has his Tumblebears class until the end of May - he really enjoys that.  I think these boys are going to keep me quite busy with sports/activities!

Stephen is now sick with a head cold.  I'm hoping he can kick it before the baby arrives.  It's been 3 days already.  The crappy weather here isn't helping a bit.  Today it is supposed to be sunny and 51 - which is the best it has been all week!  You'd think spring was never going to arrive here...

Job update:  I heard back from the outpatient clinic.  They have an immediate need, so are deciding to hire someone right away.  The owner told me to contact him in June when I'm ready and they will work something out because he really would like to have me on the team - although it may only be part time.  That may actually work if my current position would allow me to drop to part time.  I wasn't willing to drive to Standish for the new clinic anyway, so this may be perfect.  We'll see.  In the meantime, I received an email from the Department Chair at the university who told me about another position and "strongly encouraged" me to apply.  So I immediately applied for that position.  Maybe I'll get lucky and get my foot in the door there.  Sure would be better than having to drive to Flint for adjunct this summer.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

35 weeks!

I can't believe that I've actually made it to 35 weeks!  When I went on bedrest at 21 weeks, our goal was just to get to 30.  Of course I was setting much smaller goals for myself, but the doctor was shooting for 30.  Once we got there, the next goal was 34 - and I've surpassed that!  It's unbelievable that all these contractions haven't made my body progress.  God is definitely watching over us :)  I will be ecstatic if we can make it to 36...

Nathan has been sick all weekend which has made things very difficult at home.  He spiked a fever of over 102 that wouldn't go down with medication.  Needless to say, Stephen and I were both worried and didn't get much sleep.  This morning it was 101.9, but by this afternoon has subsided to 99.5.  I gave him a breathing treatment since I noticed wheezing after he got up this morning.  That seemed to help with the cough quite a bit.  I hope that we can get through tomorrow with no fever at all - I hate when he has to miss school.  He's cooped up in this house enough as it is!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Another day closer

I had my doctor appt yesterday morning.  Still at 1cm and 40%, holding steady!  I find it pretty amazing considering how many contractions I've been having.  I'm hopeful that we'll make it to Sunday when I'll hit 35 weeks.  Doctor's goal is 36 - she said we have a better chance of avoiding the NICU.  I have to stay on the procardia until then and have one more progesterone shot next Thursday.  I'll be so happy to get off these meds!

Diapers have arrived and all the clothes are ready.  I still have to pack a bag for the hospital and we have to bring up the pack/play with bassinet.  We also still have to go get the swing from my MIL's house since we never moved it here.  Not too much left to prepare.  Really we only have a couple weeks left, even if I do make it to term! 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Hanging in there!

It is now Tuesday - and I'm 34 weeks 2 days today :)  I made it through the weekend!  I have been  having more contractions that are feeling different, but not especially more intense.  I'm trying to be more conscious of timing them because my normal is anywhere from 4-10 min apart, so I've become more accustomed to ignoring them at this point.  My belly turns rock hard whenever I stand up, and I'm trying hard to stay off my feet, but I am  having a really hard time staying down constantly.  I did end up taking Nathan to daycare today because it is easier to have him there then at home with me all day.  I'll take him again on thursday if we make it that far.  My doctor appt is that morning, so I'll be interested to see if I've dilated anymore.  I had a dream last night that I was at 3-4cm and fully effaced.  Everytime I get up I wonder if my water is going to break....
I've been watching A Baby Story on TLC the past few days.  Some of these women look just like me when the labor starts - geez, I wish I knew what was going to happen!  It would be great if we could make it to another Sunday, then there will be less of a chance of going to the NICU.  I think it would be pretty possible to bring Nolan home at that point!!

My family came up on Sunday and we had a great Easter.  The kids had a lot of fun.  My Mom pretty much spent the day in the kitchen - I am so grateful that my family was able to prepare the entire meal for us :)  They even left the leftovers so we wouldn't have to cook for a few days!!  My Mom also helped me bring up most of the baby clothes and supplies that I will need right away and we got one of our dressers cleared out and rearranged with baby stuff.  Makes me feel a little more prepared.

I went online and ordered diapers and wipes, so we should be all set.  I also ordered some breastfeeding supplies since I'll have to start pumping for when I do finally return to work.

I have been able to sleep a little better the past 2 nights, which is such a relief.  I'm still getting up constantly to use the bathroom, but am able to fall asleep easier when returning to bed.  Nathan has been going to bed a little better the past few nights as well, which helps tremendously.  Although, he did get up again last night and his Daddy let me eat some chips, so it wasn't until after 9pm when he finally went down.  He did poop on the potty again last night too - hooray!