Monday, June 1, 2009

Hop a long

The past 2 weeks have been really stressful. I find out I have a chronic stress fracture in my left calcaneus and have to wear a cam walking boot for 6 weeks. I believe that I probably originally obtained the fracture during my marathon last fall - but was misdiagnosed and since I kept running anyway - just made matters worse and continued to reinjure it.
For the past week I've been stressed out because my employer wanted a restrictions letter from my podiatrist. They sent the letter as requested; however, it stated no weight lifted other than my own body weight. This poses a problem since I have to transfer patients. There was miscommunication between my clinical coordinator and director - I requested a new letter stating that I could do "min assist". The podiatrist complied. Then I'm told that I can't work. Round and round we go. The podiatrist finally caved - but is clearly pissed off at me since I had to call 3x for 3 letters and states that it could delay my healing process should I not follow her orders. I guess it's either that or go a month with no pay.....what would you do?
I try my best at work to sit down as much as possible and I have great coworkers who help me with any heavy transfers. I just pray that the foot will heal properly and I'll be done with this whole mess on July 2nd. It's amazing how much my muscle has atrophied in my calf already - my legs are clearly 2 different sizes.