Monday, May 18, 2009


I decided not to participate in the Bayshore...I'm really not happy about it at all. I'm still dealing with the pain in my left foot - which should have been resolved by now. I haven't run since the beginning of April. My bone scan was Friday and I should know the results by Wednesday this week. If it doesn't show anything, then I'll most likely be sent for an MRI next. I decided to remove the orthotics from my shoes to see if that helps any. When I went to the chiropractor a few weeks ago, my entire left side was screwed up.....which tells me that those orthotics are not helping my alignment any. We'll see if I get any relief this week without them.
I have been doing the Power 90 workouts - but didn't lose hardly any weight this week..I'm at 178.2. I did take Tues, Thurs, Fri off (which I shouldn't have)...and we went out to eat on Saturday, and I had some wine this week. I'll get it under least I didn't gain any! I won't be taking any rest days for the next 2 weeks so I can catch up with the workouts. I am getting stronger and am able to do more pushups now :)
I should find out about my job interview today...I really hope I get it. I'd be working in Bay City, M-F, no weekends, 8-4:30 (which means I could run in the am again!!) Anyone who's reading this, please keep your fingers crossed for me!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009


My foot is still bothering me - I went back to the podiatrist and she ordered a bone scan to be done on the 15th. She said that if I fractured my calcaneus, that it won't show in an xray. So I have to endure yet another test. I guess they inject it with a dye and then I have to go back 3 hours later to have it read. I seriously hope it's not a fracture.

I have been working out, just not running. I started the Power 90 program (not P90X) and began the week at 183.0, this morning I was 177.4, so not a bad first week! I was a little pissed at myself for getting back over 180 again, and our week up in Traverse certainly didn't help. We have been eating really well - even managing to cook dinners together after our workouts. Most of the time we want to kill each other in the kitchen - we definitely have different ideas about the way things should be cooked. We used recipes from Stephen's metabolism advantage book and one of my 30 min cookbooks this past week. Neither one of us is counting calories, just watching our portions and trying to cook healthier meals.

I certainly plan on continuing the Power 90 program all the way through - it's 3 days resistance, and 3 days cardio + abs with 1 rest day per week. The first few days were really hard - the 3rd resistance day was a little easier so I'm going to try to up my weights on some of the exercises and see what happens. The cardio and ab work is still tough though. At least this will help maintain my fitness level so when my foot is better I'll be in better shape to begin running again.

Our fence is finally up and ready to stain. We also got pre-approved for a mortgage so when it sells we are ready to be on the buyers end :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Still limping

Well - the injection in my foot helped for about a day and the pain returned. I'm taking 500mg of Naprosyn 2x a day but it's not really helping much. I can't figure out what the heck I did to it - the podiatrist will have to narrow this down for me when I go see her this week again. I haven't been able to run at all now since the first week in april and I'm thinking that I'm probably just going to bow out of Bayshore since there is no way in hell that I'll be even remotely ready to run 13.1

I just hope that the extra time to heal will allow me to pick back up in June so I can at least have some running fitness before San Fran!
Stephen and I are starting the Power 90 program tomorrow morning. I'm working on the grocery list right now and am excited to start some sort of exercise...hopefully my foot won't give me problems doing that!

Our long weekend in traverse was ok - the weather didn't cooperate so we didn't get any golf in. Turtle creek casino was nice - our room was huge :) We went wine tasting one day which was a lot of fun. Grand Traverse resort was a big disappointment - we'll never stay there again.
Back to work tomorrow...wonder what my caseload is going to be like?