Saturday, February 28, 2009

Diet plan

I registered for the Runners World personal training diet plan again. It worked pretty well for me prior to my wedding. I'm going to start it tomorrow. I already went grocery shopping and got everything that I need.

I only worked out twice this past week. It was a busy week for me, a lot of pressure to get other things done, so my runs went by the wayside. I need to focus more on my diet and exercise, the races are getting closer and I want to be prepared. I'm looking forward to the yoga class that I'll start this week. My new shoes arrived yesterday so I plan on testing them out on the treadmill tomorrow.

Stephen and I met with a builder this week and went to a showroom with a plumbing contractor to pick out all of our fixtures for the new house. We are praying that everything works out for the bank to give us the loan and our current house to sell. It was very exciting to pick out all of the new stuff!!

We're going to the kitchen design center on Thursday night which should be a lot of fun.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Well, i am officially licensed by the state of Michigan as an OTR! I checked this morning and it is finally posted. One more thing out of the way :)

I have been a little behind on my workouts again - last week was tough, and this week I have a lot going on after work, so we'll see how I do. My diet of course needs work - my weight hasn't budged. I'm starting to think that I need to just buckle down and follow a plan, even though it seems tougher because I have another person in my household to feed. We'll see, maybe I can convince him to follow a diet with me. I got a new book by Prevention - the fiber up slim down cookbook. It has a meal plan in it that seems pretty do-able, and it doesn't eliminate carbs like a lot of other diets do.

I plan on registering for the Martian half-marathon this week, hopefully this awful winter weather we've had will break within the next 2 weeks so I can get outside! I bought a new running jacket and have new shoes on the way, all I need is some sunshine and I'll be set!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I weighed in at 181.2 this morning....still stuck!! This past weekend didn't help my weight loss cause. Stephen cooked me a wonderful dinner Saturday night - linguine with shrimp and alfredo - but as we all know, alfredo is super fattening. I also drank a few glasses of wine, and Sunday he warmed up the leftovers. I also didn't have a chance to work out this weekend at all because I was working - and when I finally got home, it was time to spend with my hubby.

I ran 8 miles yesterday on the treadmill. I felt pretty good, but it's not the same as running outside. I'm looking forward to starting a yoga class on the 4th. I have been doing my cross training, abs, yoga, and some light weights. If I had more time, I'd join a gym and begin lifting a little heavier - but right now I don't think I could fit anything else in.

As far as my diet goes - I've been avoiding a real diet and trying to cook more at home. I've been cooking nearly every night and have sworn off fast food. Last night I made Ahi Tuna steaks with mustard greens and a side of angel hair pasta. It was delicious, and super healthy. Tonight I will be making Venison steaks, mashed potatoes, and immunity boosting veggies!
I think the biggest problem is my portion sizes. I've been trying to cut back, but I think I need to work on that a little harder. I no longer snack at night, instead I have been drinking tea. The one thing that I know needs to happen - but I'm not sure how I'm going to do it - is eating snacks between meals to boost my metabolism. Once I get rolling at work, I have back to back patients and can't leave them unattended. I'm going to have to devise a plan that will work.

Cross training tonight - and 45 minutes on the treadmill tomorrow :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Spring, where are you?

I weighed in at 180.6 this morning, so that's 3 days in a row I've stayed at 180....will I be able to break through this week?? I ran 4.5 miles yesterday, yoga/abs the day before, and a 6 mile run this past Sunday. Tonight I have to do 45 minutes. I tried running in my orthotics for the first time yesterday and ended up with blisters on my arches. I've been wearing them everyday at work with no problems - so I'm not quite sure what to do. Do I just wear them daily - or do I continue to try to run in them despite the blisters?? They are sports orthotics that are made for long distance running...

I spent most of my day yesterday (3 hrs and 45 min) getting my hair done....I hate that it takes so long!! I guess if I wasn't so picky about having different shades of red in my hair I'd be in and out in no time. I did end up cutting it again and love it :) I also got a massage yesterday - much needed! My massage therapist is heading to the U.P. for the spring/summer so I'm going to have to find a new one :( My left leg has been acting up a little and I'm hoping that it doesn't turn into anything serious. I've been really diligent about stretching well after my runs - and incorporating yoga into my cross training.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Plugging away...

I'm back down to 180.8...finally! After all the flip-flopping my weight has been doing the past few weeks, it was nice to see that number again today. I ran 6 miles today and have been keeping up with my training schedule as closely as I can. I've been finding myself dreading my workout a little mid-day at work, but have been finding the energy once I get home. I always have to come home and have a cup of coffee before I begin though. I've only been having one cup of coffee in the mornings because I have to get up at 5:20am in order to leave on-time, so by the end of the day - I'm ready for another dose of caffeine!

Work is going better - I have my own caseload now and am starting to feel a bit more comfortable with the paperwork. I'll get my first paycheck tomorrow - woohoo!

I really can't wait until it warms up outside....the treadmill is getting pretty boring, and I miss running with my partner!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


I am officially Julie Jacob, MSOT, OTR. Awesome!! I am so relieved to have that over with and can now move forward in my career. I'll just have to figure out when to start working on my OTD...

Marathon training has been going fairly well. I missed a workout Friday due to a company party, and missed my workout today due to being sick(nachos and martinis don't taste very good coming back up) - but I'm not going to stress it. I'll just pick back up where I left off tomorrow. The diet has been going ok. I'm trying to make changes that I can live with rather than going on "a diet". I'm now on my feet constantly at work too, which will definitely help burn extra calories. My weight friday morning was 182.0. I'm still having a hell of a time getting back below 180, but I feel that the day is drawing near.... :)

I'm registered to run the St Pats 8k and have convinced some family members to participate as well (we'll see if they show up...LOL). Next I will need to register for the Martian half-marathon. I've been waiting to do that...I want to be sure that I will have no injuries!!

Work is going alright - it'll be a little different now that I will have my own caseload and I don't have to have others co-signing my notes. Everyone in the department is very nice and helpful.

Should be an interesting week....